Monday, March 24, 2025

Therapy stops cancer in its tracks


When it comes to treating cancer, today's gene therapies that target specific mutations are on the wrong track.


New research shows that low oxygen drives cancer, but the best way to boost oxygen is with HBOT.

So it's no surprise the number of people getting cancer every year is still increasing.

You see, most doctors tell you cancer is all about your DNA and bad gene mutations.

They claim that these mutations lead to runaway cell proliferation and tumors.

Yet, despite all the excitement about gene therapy, research shows that genetics explain very little about the origins of most chronic diseases — including cancer.

You don't get cancer because there's something wrong with you and your genes.

But there is something wrong with the world you live in.

I've been telling my patients for almost 30 years that cancer is a metabolic disease that changes the way your cells produce and use energy. And the medical community has known that for 100 years.

Low Oxygen's Cancer Connection

Back in 1923, a scientist named Otto Warburg discovered that depriving healthy cells of oxygen — hypoxia — would send them on the path to cancer.

And that's what's known as the Warburg Effect: Cancer cells turn to sugar, not oxygen, for their energy supply.

You may not even realize when your oxygen levels are low...but your cells certainly will.

Every cell has a metabolism, the chemical changes that allow it to breathe and to create and use energy. Normal healthy cells rely on oxygen for those processes. Oxygen is the basic fuel for cell metabolism.

But when they don't get enough oxygen, you lose their ability to repair DNA.

Unfortunately, in our modern world, low oxygen in our cells is common.

One of the biggest drivers of hypoxia is the standard American diet full of wheat, corn, and highly processed foods.

These all play a role in high blood sugar. Research clearly shows that high blood sugar causes low cellular oxygen levels.1

And when your body is insulin resistant and has high insulin levels, this leads to more malignant cancer cells… activates invasive cell growth… increases metastases…and leads to resistance to chemo and radiation treatments.

Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

New research shows that low oxygen drives breast cancer... prostate cancer... brain tumors... and more.2,3,4

HBOT floods your body with concentrated oxygen, activating your body's own natural healing powers.

And since cancer cells grow and multiply in low-oxygen environments, HBOT stops cancer cells in their tracks.

Decades of studies show that HBOT can:5,6,7,8

  • Shrink solid tumors
  • Stop tumor progression in lung cancer
  • Improve survival rates for brain cancer
  • Kill cancer cells and prevent their multiplying

HBOT has also been shown to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation while minimizing their harmful effects.

Unfortunately, oxygen doesn't get headlines the way Big Pharma drugs do. And it can't be patented, so it will never be promoted by the medical industry.

But I've used it in my own clinic to treat hundreds of patients with incredible results.

2 More Ways To Increase Oxygen In Your Body

While HBOT is the most effective way to flood your cells with cancer-fighting oxygen, there are ways you can increase levels at home.

Here's what I tell my patients…

  1. Try Cordyceps Sinensis: This medicinal mushroom has the power to "turn on" genes that increase oxygen delivery to the cells while "turning off" inflammatory factors.9

    In one study of 30 elderly patients, cordyceps significantly improved the amount of oxygen they were able to absorb.10

    Another study showed that it increased cellular oxygen absorption by up to 40%.11

  2. Practice Deep Breathing. Even for the sick and elderly, this is an easy way to get the healing benefits of oxygen. It can be done sitting or lying down.

    Just place your hands on your belly and feel it expand as you inhale. Then expand your breath into the sides of your lower chest pushing your side ribs out. Finally, lift your upper chest and let it fill with air.

    Exhale in the same order, from your abdomen to your ribs to your upper chest. Start with 5 minutes a day and work up to 15 minutes. In no time at all, you'll be boosting your oxygen throughout the day without even thinking.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


  1. Sada K, et al. "Hyperglycemia induces cellular hypoxia through production of mitochondrial Ros followed by suppression of aquaporin-1." PLoS One. 2016 Jul 6;11(7):e0158619.
  2. Tutzauer J et al. "Breast cancer hypoxia in relation to prognosis and benefit from radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery in a large, randomised trial with long-term follow-up." Br J Cancer. 2022;126:1145–1156.
  3. Deep G et al. "Hypoxia-induced signaling promotes prostate cancer progression: exosomes role as messenger of hypoxic response in tumor microenvironment." Crit Rev Oncog. 2015;20(5-6):419-34.
  4. Alpuim Costa D, et al. "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a complementary treatment in glioblastoma-a scoping review." Front Neurol. 2022 Jul 1;13:886603.
  5. Moen I, Stuhr LE. "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer--a review." Target Oncol. 2012 Dec;7(4):233-42.
  6. Chen SY, et al. "Hyperbaric oxygen suppressed tumor progression through the improvement of tumor hypoxia and induction of tumor apoptosis in A549-cell-transferred lung cancer." Sci Rep. 2021;11:12033.
  7. Alpuim Costa D, et al. "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a complementary treatment in glioblastoma-a scoping review." Front Neurol. 2022 Jul 1;13:886603.
  8. Moen I et al. "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer—a review." Targ Oncol 2012;7:233-242.
  9. Singh M, et al. "Cordyceps sinensis increases hypoxia tolerance by inducing heme oxygenase-1 and metallothionein via nrf2 activation in human lung epithelial cells." Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013: 569206.
  10. Xiao Y, et al. "Increased aerobic capacity in healthy elderly humans given fermented cordyceps cs-4: a placebo-controlled trial." J Funct Foods. 2013 Jul; 5(3): 1013–1030.
  11. Lou Y, et al. "Cardiovascular pharmacological studies of ethanol extracts of Cordyceps mycelia and Cordyceps fermentation solution." Chinese Trad Herbal Drugs. 1986;17(5):17-21:209-213.

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