Friday, August 26, 2022

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A Note From Venus Williams
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Allow us to introduce ourselves!
Hi there, Venus Williams here!   While you may know me from my time on the court, you may not know my behind the scenes story of battling an autoimmune disease.  This disease drove me to make one of the most life-changing choices I've ever made - going totally plant-based and eventually creating Happy Viking...but we'll get to that in just a second ;)  After my autoimmune disease diagnosis, doctors told me that I wouldn't be able to keep playing tennis. That simply wasn't an option, and so I tried EVERYTHING.  After exhausting every resource I could find, working with the world's leading nutritionists, I found myself at a wellness retreat recommended by my mom (yes Mom... you were right). While there, Experts suggested I try a raw plant-based diet. This drastic change ultimately led me to a happier, healthier life and has allowed me to continue my career until this day.  While this plant-based diet was wonderful, over time it became expensive, time-consuming, and frankly difficult to keep up with while on the road. I mean...I was literally carrying a full size blender in my suitcase so I could continue fueling my body & mind with my superfood shakes. Talk about dedication!   I couldn't stop thinking - eating healthy shouldn't be this hard or this expensive.  That's why I created Happy Viking. Plant-based superfood nutrition that is as easy as it is delicious (and trust me, it tastes pretty damn delicious!)  Happy Viking delivers world class nutrition to your door, and in doing so, it's opened my eyes to the power of bringing plant-based solutions to everyone. I truly believe the better fuel we eat and drink, the better we perform and feel.  It's a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for being here!
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Happy Viking 85 Broad st Floor 30 New York, NY 10004

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