Saturday, March 8, 2025

Raising A Cup To Women Brewing Change

Hi there,
It's International Women's Day! As a female founder, this day is a special one. Want to know a Clevr secret? Almost all of our customers are women!
Despite coffee & tea being the most ubiquitous, non-gendered ritual in the world, somehow the ladies have been driving the ship since Day 1.
Here's my hunch: as women, we show up for SO much: our work, our communities, our families. But we also know we need to take care of ourselves: to have moments of joy, reflection and pleasure.
Well, that's the duality that birthed Clevr! Little, joy-filled rituals—a hot drink and time to think—that help us show up more fully to the rest of our very full lives.
The power of women supporting women has truly defined our story—from Meghan taking a leap of faith and joining our tiny brand as an advisor, to Oprah adding us to her Favorite Things, to our (almost) all female team, to my Mum coaching me when I'm having a stressful day: I owe it all to the powerful ladies in my life.
No matter how you identify, thank you for being part of our community, for believing in what we do, and for letting us into your precious daily rituals. Couldn't do it without you.
Co-Founder & Formulator

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