Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Sunday Review From Dr. Sears

Activate Your "Energy Gene"

Feeling tired is NOT an inevitable part of aging.

And if you find yourself fatigued each day, you could suffer from a deficiency that most conventional doctors have never even heard of.

I'm talking about an astaxanthin deficiency.

This natural red pigment is nature's most potent antioxidant. But it's only been in the last decade that science has begun to understand just how many health benefits it has.

Click here.

Feel YEARS Younger In Weeks

Did you know you can actually jumpstart the "youth engines" inside your cells?

I'm talking about the tiny protective caps on your DNA strands – your telomeres.

When you're young, your telomeres are long and strong. But as the years go by, they shrink, making your cells feel old – and the rest of your body follows.

But keeping your telomeres "young" just got a lot easier.

Click here.

Only Way Morgan Freeman Finds Relief

Did you catch the Oscars last week? Even in Uganda – where I was visiting family – the show is a big deal.

I admit I wouldn't tune in if it weren't for my wife watching.

But something did catch my attention while I was watching...

Morgan Freeman, one of the world's great actors, was wearing an elbow-length black compression glove on his left hand.

Click here.

Below is a message from our friend Dr. Pescatore

Kills More Cancer Cells Than a Dose of Radiation

In 1918, this "miracle medicine" was in every household in America.

Valuable enough to get caught in the crossfire during both World Wars...

And powerful enough to be studied by the founding members of a massive Big Pharma dynasty...

There was nothing else like it on Earth.

In fact, this miracle medicine was on track to become a game-changer for fighting the cancer epidemic.

But then it just...disappeared.

To this day, it's not being taught in medical schools--or prescribed in major U.S. cancer centers. But the results of lab studies are impressive.

Big Pharma knows more about this than they're letting on...and these newly discovered documents prove it...

No one's talking about this--but this discovery is already changing the lives of cancer patients. See it here before corporate interests make it "disappear" again.

Click here.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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