Good evening,
With recent disruptions in the international energy markets, there has been a renewed attention on public energy companies that stand to benefit from higher near-term prices.
How do you play this market though?
There are more than 500 energy companies trading on public markets, including pipeline companies, power plant operators, mining and exploration firms, energy technology companies, oil and gas producers, and other energy stocks.
This makes it difficult to identify which sub-sectors of the energy market stand to outperform the market in the near term.
Fortunately, Wall Street's smartest minds have already done a lot of this hard work for us. Ever year, research analysts at big banks issue more than 8,000 research reports on public energy companies. No, they don't always get their predictions right, but it is taking a strong look when analysts at several different research firms are all forecasting strong earnings and revenue growth to the same few companies.
We have combed through these research reports and identified the 15 energy companies that Wall Street's top-rated research analysts believe will outperform the market in the next 12 months. If you are looking to make a play in the energy sector in the next few months, chances are the company that you should purchase is somewhere on this list.
View the Top-Rated Energy Stocks Here
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