Thursday, September 19, 2024

Stupid questions? We’ve never heard any!

Hi there,

When it comes to questions - we've heard 'em all. And, no, there's no such thing as a stupid question. In fact, we just love helping folks learn more about our sharp service!

Here are a few questions we get regularly:

1) Is it safe to send my precious knives in the mail?
Well, if you're sending them to Knife Aid, then yes! We send you our customized, prepaid, registered knife envelope with safety sleeves. Plus, your envelope is ensured and 100% trackable.

2) What can I ship?
We accept kitchen knives, scissors, and outdoor knives, just like these items. Sorry, but your medieval sword will have to be sharpened some other way.
3) Is it worth sending my cheap knives?
Absolutely! Cheaper knives are often made of good steel, they just lack the hand finish of more expensive knives. An uncut diamond is still a diamond, right?

4) I bent my blade - can you help?
Firstly, how did THAT happen? Secondly, of course we can. Extreme bends might incur an additional cost of $10 per knife, but we can make almost any knife usable again.

5) Can you fix my knife's handle?
If by "handle" you mean blade, and by "fix" you mean sharpen, then yes. In other words, we only sharpen blades… sorry.

Now, we have a question for you: Would you like to save 10% on your first and each recurring order? If the answer is yes, then starting a Knife Aid subscription is the smart choice. If not, you can always get sharp whenever you need it.
Stay sharp,
The Knife Aid Team
PS: If you want to stop hearing from us, you can opt out here.

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