Sunday, September 29, 2024

Your Sunday Review From Dr. Sears

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September 29, 2024

War On Traditional Food

The war on traditional foods has taken a disastrous new turn…

One that I call an abomination.

Plant-based products – marketed as steaks, burgers, chicken patties, and eggs – now appear on restaurant menus and supermarket shelves everywhere.

Big Agra wants you to believe these "meat alternatives" are healthier than what nature provides.

Click here.

Below is a message from our friends at Natural Health Response

Eerie WW2 Photo Reveals Shocking Secret

In 1944, an experiment was done in this Nazi medical center...


Take a look at the circled window in this photo…

A medical experiment commissioned by Adolf Hitler was done here in 1944. Our own U.S. government has ignored the important scientific results of this experiment.

Now, decades later, the results are finally being revealed to the public.

And you will NOT believe what they expose.

But hurry…

Click here now before we're forced to remove it from the web.

Click here.

This Coffee Cuts Cancer Risk In Half!

For years, I've been advising my patients that certain mushrooms have powerful anti-carcinogenic properties.

The rich polysaccharides in cordyceps mushrooms, for example, have been shown to shrink lung-cancer patients' tumors. And studies show that reishi mushrooms protect against many kinds of cancers, including invasive prostate, melanoma, and aggressive breast cancer.1,2

Fascinating new research suggests it may be possible to cut your cancer risk nearly in half by eating mushrooms.

Today, I'll show you why.

Click here.

Give Your Heart A Second Surge Of Youthful Power

As you age, your blood vessels stiffen and lose their flexibility.

But years ago, I identified a powerful herb that helps maintain youthful blood flow and flexibility well into old age.

I wrote about it in my book, "The Doctor's Heart Cure" because it does one thing that's quite remarkable.

It supports healthy blood vessels and promotes new growth.

Click here.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Preferences | Unsubscribe

11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411, United States

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