Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Poll: Hillary says Trump won’t be elected as President again, Is She Right?

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Daily Opinion Polls

Hillary says Trump won’t be elected as President again, Is She Right?

Despite endorsements from former President Donald Trump and Senator Mike Braun, state Rep. Julie McGuire lost her bid for Indiana's lieutenant governor. The last-minute endorsement by Trump, orchestrated by Braun, failed to sway the vote in McGuire's favor, leading to some astonishment within Trump's circles. McGuire's opponent, Micah Beckwith, who also supports Trump, positioned himself as a conservative counterbalance to the party's leadership, capitalizing on dissatisfaction with current governance. Following the election, Braun expressed readiness to work with Beckwith but hinted at potential challenges in their collaboration if not aligned. This incident highlights the limited influence of national endorsements in some local political contexts.


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