Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Poll: Will CNN Rig The Presidential Debate In Biden's Favor?

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Will CNN Rig The Presidential Debate In Biden's Favor?

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after momentarily withdrawing his support, has reaffirmed his commitment to an Israeli proposal for a hostage and ceasefire deal, which is supported by President Biden but not accepted by Hamas. This plan, aiming to end the ongoing conflict in Gaza and secure the release of all 120 hostages, was presented to Hamas over three weeks ago by Netanyahu's cabinet. On Sunday, Netanyahu hinted at a possible partial deal during an interview, suggesting the release of some hostages while continuing military actions, which drew criticism from Hamas and concern from mediators, including Qatari officials.

This deviation led to accusations from Hamas that Netanyahu was undermining UN Security Council resolutions and the efforts of the Biden administration. In response to the backlash, Netanyahu clarified in a Knesset speech that Israel's stance remains unchanged, emphasizing the commitment to recover all hostages and continue the fight against Hamas. The confusion from Netanyahu's earlier remarks was deemed a "gaffe" by his aide, necessitating further clarification, which was later reinforced through messages sent to Hamas via intermediaries. 


This renewed assertion of commitment to the full proposal has shifted the onus back to Hamas, with Khalil al-Haya, head of the Hamas negotiation team, indicating a readiness to engage in serious negotiations if Netanyahu's actions align with Biden's principles.

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