Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Poll: Who Will Win The Presidential Debate? Biden or Trump?

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Who Will Win The Presidential Debate? Biden or Trump?

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The recent public remarks by the former Vice President highlight a widening divide with his former boss, underscoring tensions within the Republican Party regarding abortion rights following the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade. The former Vice President praised the decision as a "historic victory," and during his presidential campaign, pushed for a nationwide abortion ban at 15 weeks of gestation. In contrast, his former boss advocated for leaving abortion regulations to the states to appeal to swing voters.

Earlier, the former Vice President declined to endorse his former boss and criticized his abortion stance as a "slap in the face." In response, his former boss accused him on social media of not believing in the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade and mocked his presidential campaign polling numbers.

Addressing conservative Christians, the former President supported returning abortion regulation to states, aligning with the pro-life movement’s goals. Meanwhile, despite the former Vice President's history of opposition to abortion, he initially supported fertility treatments due to personal experiences but later endorsed a court ruling that jeopardized such procedures.

Throughout his tenure in politics, the former Vice President consistently opposed abortion, advocating legislation to cut federal funding for entities providing abortions and expressing views on the future direction of the conservative movement post-Roe in a National Review op-ed.

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