Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Curcumin’s Curious Comeback

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Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

September 24, 2024

#1 Anti-aging MD proudly announces

Curcumin's Curious Comeback

New "triple action" upgrade in turmeric technology finally
delivers the ageless vitality
Americans have been waiting for:

  1. Experience cinematic memory

  2. Support superior energy

  3. Enjoy total independence


The secret to perfect energy and vitality at any age is about to go public.

But I'm not talking about something brewed in a lab…

It was first discovered thousands of years ago by the world's earliest anti-aging scientists – the Ayurvedic practitioners of southern Asia.

You can still see the impact in the region today.

When studying traditional medicine in India, I met elders that didn't show their age at all. They always appeared alert – and communicated as clearly and effortlessly as those decades younger than them.

It's no wonder how India can boast of being home to some of the sharpest seniors in the world.1 Curcumin, the vitality-boosting compound in turmeric, has been part of its culture since the beginning.

This compound had a brief "15 minutes of fame" in America too – before frustrated men and women across the country gave it up.

They weren't getting the results they were expecting. They continued to feel tired, burnt out, and less capable than they were in their youth.

But I wasn't ready to give up on it. After working with curcumin for more than 20 years, I saw its real potential.

Then a new discovery changed everything – and sets curcumin up for a major comeback.

Here's why that's so important.

Curcumin's Forgotten Strength

Research reveals your potential for ageless vitality depends on three things living among the trillions of cells in your body.

First are the mitochondria, which you probably remember learning about in school.

These energy factories are much more than the "powerhouse of the cell." You could think about them as "cells within cells." They even have their own DNA.

Keeping your mitochondria running at full charge powers all your body's major functions. It's the difference between dreading getting out of bed and practically jumping out of your mattress as soon as your eyes open.

Next are your telomeres – the tiny caps that protect your DNA. Keeping them long and strong helps you look and feel young even as you age. Strong telomeres are the reason why an older friend or relative can look decades younger than they are – and recall the tiniest details about something that happened 10 or 20 years ago.

Finally, there's your stem cells – the self-renewing miracle workers that morph into nearly any other type of cell the body needs. This includes brain cells, blood cells, immune cells…just about anything.

Here's the thing…

Curcumin supports all three.

Scientists have found the turmeric compound's antioxidant effects help defend mitochondria from free radicals, keeping the aging process slow and healthy.2

In another review, a separate research team found that curcumin maintains the length of your telomeres, fending off the impact of aging even further.3

In a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, researchers found that curcumin can keep your stem cell count high, keeping the miracle workers free from toxins and other challenges.4

By supporting your mitochondria, curcumin promotes the daily energy you depend on from dusk to dawn. And by supporting your telomeres, you can count on healthy, vital energy for life with protected DNA.

Finally, with critical support for your stem cells, curcumin reinforces your entire body – keeping your brain sharp, your muscles dense, and your joints fluid and comfortable.

Turmeric's "Triple Combo"

As strong as curcumin is, there are natural ways to make it even more powerful.

That's why I take a "triple combo" approach with a revolutionary formulation…using other energy-boosting herbal solutions.

I'm talking about two additional herbal powerhouses from Southeast Asia – celebrated from the beaches of Bali to the jagged mountain ranges in mainland China.

All three of these Ayurvedic herbs have shown incredible potential on their own.

But when properly formulated together, they're essentially unstoppable – my patients feel the same way after taking them.

I'll tell you all about them in a moment.

This triple action makes such a dramatic difference...

The effortless, clean, confident energy you feel – even during the most hectic hours of the day.

But until very recently, most Americans who tried curcumin didn't know what this combination could do.

Which is probably why so many ended up on it in the first place.

The REAL Problem With Curcumin

Conventional curcumin won't deliver on its promises on its own.

In the past, Ayurvedic practitioners got the most out of curcumin by cooking with turmeric spice.

But with the modern industrial world's tainted food supply, that won't cut it either.

At best, you could count on moderate support by using these conventional methods.

The biggest obstacle is curcumin's limited bioavailability.

That means that, when you take a commercial supplement or a meal cooked with turmeric, most of the curcumin you're consuming is metabolized before it can be absorbed.

So, your brain, heart, and joints don't get the antioxidant support you're expecting.

That's why I started experimenting with curcumin myself…

My research team and I tried everything.

After years of research, I found the answer.

It turns out there's another organic compound that ignites curcumin's absorbability…

Flooding your system with raw, unfiltered antioxidant power.

Helping you maintain a younger brain, a strong heart, and joints that move as easily as they ever have.

It might be one of the most significant anti-aging developments in decades.

And with a new formula I call Curcumin Triple Burn, turmeric is primed for the comeback of the century.

New Technology Enhances
Turmeric's Power by 2,000%

Researchers there compared blood levels of curcumin alone vs. combining it with bioperine which is a highly absorbable plant extract derived from two types of plants, Piper longum and Piper nigrum...

And within 45 minutes of use, patients saw a stunning 2,000% increase in curcumin levels.

Special Technology Helps Curcumin Better Support Healthy Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels

In one study, researchers took healthy animals, split them into three groups, and fed them a high-fat diet.5

In addition, group 2 received curcumin and group 3 received curcumin and bioperine.

And the results were breathtaking...

In over four weeks, the group that received curcumin and bioperine saw NO changes to their blood levels.

In other words, the effects of a high-fat diet on their cholesterol and triglyceride levels were negligible.

In fact, their HDL ("good") cholesterol levels actually increased!

That's what curcumin is SUPPOSED to do.

And bioperine helps it get those results.

Superior at Maintaining
Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

In another study, researchers treated animals in three groups: 1) curcumin alone 2) another product or 3) curcumin and bioperine.6

One month later, they analyzed the glucose levels and saw better support for healthy glucose in the curcumin/ bioperine group compared to the other groups!

The curcumin/bioperine group also saw...

  • Better support for healthy LDL cholesterol and triglycerides

  • Better support for healthy weight levels

  • And support for healthy glucose levels

And that's just for starters...

A series of global studies are finding that curcumin and bioperine together work better than curcumin alone to shield your mind and body from oxidative stress7 and neurotoxicity,8 and help support healthy DNA.9

The research is clear...

This "bioperine" delivery system makes the difference between getting only a fraction of curcumin's potential...

Or the full spectrum of its true health promoting benefits. And that means serious results like...

  • A longer, healthier life

  • "Sharp-as-a-tack" thinking and memory recollection

  • Easy, comfortable, mobility

  • Healthy eyesight

  • A happier, calmer mindset — fight back against "feeling blue"

  • Healthy blood sugar support in the normal range

  • Healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the normal range

  • Easy, smooth, hassle-free digestion support

  • Healthy kidneys, liver and lungs

  • Support for a healthy body weight

  • Support the heart and cardiovascular system

  • And much, much more

You don't enjoy results like these unless you have a proven delivery system for turmeric.

That's why I refused to make a curcumin formula without including one, like so many supplement makers have.

But I took it a step further...

Two steps further, to be exact.

I've added two spices that belong to the curcumin "family". They're both members of the elite group of rhizomes (root-like underground stems).

They're both staples of ancient Ayurvedic medicine that go back over 6,000 years, just like curcumin.

And they both have similar proven benefits as curcumin, and act on age-related inflammation in a similar way.

So when all three are added together, they not only complement, but magnify curcumin's results.

These are just a few reasons why I've made them key to my new formula: Curcumin Triple Burn.

Curcumin Amplifier #2:
Sacred Texts Call it "The Spice from Heaven"

The first is perhaps the world's oldest medicinal spice, used going back 5,000 years

at least. It was first grown in Ancient China and India, where it was touted as a gift from God.

Ancient texts going back to the earliest Sanskrit literature praise it as an all-purpose health promoter.

So do medicinal books in ancient Rome, Greece and the Middle East.

The Quran calls it a "spice from heaven."

Most of the prescriptions written in Chinese traditional medicine included a combination of herbs.

And this one was in over half of them!

The Roman Empire considered it a luxury reserved for the rich.

And it was very expensive: one pound of this spice was equivalent to a whole

sheep or cow.

I'm talking about ginger, of course.

But not the kind in your spice cabinet, cookies or soda. Instead, I recommend a concentrated dose of its most powerful medicinal compound: gingerol.

Just like curcumin is the molecular "hero" in turmeric, gingerol is the powerhouse inside ginger.

And now...

Scientists Are Finding That The Ancients
Were More Right Than You Could Imagine

Some of its benefits include...

  • Nausea relief10

  • Supports healthy metabolism and weight levels11

  • Healthy blood flow and circulation

  • Smooth, comfortable joints12

  • Supports healthy blood pressure levels within the normal ranges13

  • Smooth, hassle-free digestion

  • Reinforces healthy blood sugar levels14

That's why I call ginger "nature's multi-tool." It's so supportive for the whole body and all its systems.

Ginger is composed of multiple bioactive compounds that contribute to its recognized biological activities. It's been identified as having multiple bioactive compounds, including phenolic compounds, terpenes, lipids, and carbohydrates.

Hence, its effects are largely attributed to phenolic compounds and terpenes.

That's okay.

Because nature already designed at least two tissue soothing compounds in curcumin and ginger.

Curcumin's effects on supporting pathways for maintaining calm tissues.

But it's not as well known that ginger does the exact same thing.15

In combination they're a powerful duo to maintain tissue comfort in many areas of the body.

That's also why studies point to ginger as such a powerful joint assistance.

Researchers at the University of Miami are now saying that 1000 mg of ginger could be a first-line approach for joint support.16

In a double-blind study, they compared gingerol extract to a placebo in 261 people wanting to promote better joint and knee health. The participants received 500 mg doses two times per day.

They found the ginger supported healthy joint comfort by 40% over the placebo... in just six weeks.

Now, these are very high amounts. But as I've seen firsthand, even smaller even smaller doses can promote the comfort you want.

"Research shows that ginger supports maintaining
calm tissue and many
processes at a cellular level..."
– Roy Altman, MD., the study's lead author.17

"First-Line Joint Assistance"
– University of Miami researchers

What makes ginger so powerful?

Its antioxidant effects support the breakdown and healthy removal of undesirable waste product produced through ordinary metabolism. During this process, oxygen is used up for energy – leaving behind waste that needs removal.

As we age, the removal process becomes slower because these enzymes are reduced.

"Ginger has calming properties... and antioxidant activities, as well as a small amount of [comfort supporting activity]..."

– Roberta Lee, MD, vice chair of the Department of Integrative Medicine at

Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center.

But ginger didn't deliver these results alone.

There was another spice used in the study that went overlooked.

It's the third member of the elite group of rhizome plants.

In combination with ginger, the research shows it supports overall health in a myriad of ways.

Like curcumin and ginger, it has a 6,000-year history of use in ancient medicine systems.

So it was a no-brainer as my third curcumin amplifier.

Curcumin Amplifier #3:
"The Spice of Life"

It's called galangal.

Just like ginger, galangal warms the body and aids in digestion. It's also a powerful anti-nausea remedy.

Of course, it also shows similar antioxidant, supports aspects of immunity and helps maintain calm tissues.18

Since it doesn't have the same recognition as either curcumin or ginger, it hasn't been

studied so extensively.

But researchers are already calling it, "the gold mine of future therapeutics."19

It was not until the 800s AD that galangal found its way into European hands through spice trade with the East.

The famed St. Hildegard, a renowned healer and expert in herbal medicine, recognized galangal's powers and dubbed it the "Spice of Life."

An ancient panacea that was used for everything in Europe at the time.

In fact, amidst the Bubonic Plague that destroyed a third of Europe's population,

people used many different herbs at that time, including galangal.

Concoctions that included galangal due to its biologically active properties.

One of the most famous legends was that of the "Four Thieves" — four men who went around sacking the homes of unhealthy people during that era, but maintained their good health.

Their immunity was credited to the "Four Thieves Oil" they designed, which included galangal.

That's just a few reasons why I've made galangal one of the key ingredients of my new breakthrough.

Again, I call it Curcumin Triple Burn.

The "Next Generation"
of Curcumin is Here

In all my years on the cutting edge of natural health, I've never seen a curcumin formula like it.

None that include a therapeutic dose of curcuminoids... delivery technology proven to enhance its absorption by 2,000%... or spices that complement and amplify curcumin's health promoting potential.

But that's not all. I've added one more extra "kicker" to boost this formula's results.

Bonus Curcumin Amplifier!

This final ingredient belongs to an elite class of herbs called "adaptogens."

Adaptogens recently started gaining ground in America, but in India, Russia and China they've been a staple form of medicine for thousands of years.

One in particular is being recognized as a leader in Ayurvedic medicine. And I've made this "smart herb" the platoon leader of my curcumin formula.

So while the curcumin, the two other spices, and the delivery system are the elite soldiers...

This herb harnesses their full health promoting potential... commands exactly where they target... and keeps them disciplined, working all throughout the day, in any situation, for whatever your body needs.

Its scientific name is Ocimum Sanctum.

It's better known as Holy Basil, or "Tulsi."

Within Ayurveda, Holy Basil is known as "The Incomparable One," "Mother

Medicine of Nature," and "The Queen of Herbs."

And it's revered as an "elixir of life" without equal in its health promoting powers, which are now being confirmed by modern science.

One group of scientists that reviewed many of the studies conducted on Holy Basil even called it...

"The Wonder Herb."20

Another group of researchers call it an "herb for all reasons."21

And it's not hard to see why.

The World's Ultimate Stress-Buster

Tulsi — just like other adaptogens — is proven to balance serum levels of cortisol.22

And that's no small matter.

The so-called "stress hormone" can lead to poor health when the body is constantly flooded.

It was previously thought cortisol overload might only have a negative impact on the immune system.

But it's not so simple.

According to groundbreaking new research at Carnegie Mellon University, high levels of cortisol — caused by chronic stress — decreases the sensitivity of our immune cells to hormone signaling.

The result is your body becoming very unhappy with the long-term effects.23

Perhaps that's why many have turned to meditation, yoga, prayer, and exercise to promote optimistic moods.

And why Holy Basil — a proven cortisol regulator — can help support being at peace and feeling more relaxed in the face of life's daily challenges.

One study on people wanting to promote healthy blood sugar levels supports this.24

Half of the patients were given 2.5 g of holy basil leaf powder daily, and the other half were given a placebo for four weeks.

Compared to the control group, the group administered holy basil experienced positive results, with blood sugar in the normal range and the maintenance of healthy cholesterol.

It's a powerful brain booster, too — much like curcumin.

In a human study, researchers found that 300 mg a day of holy basil leaf extract produced a significant improvement in reaction time and error rates on standardized tests, as well as promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.25

Amazing: What You Get in Every Single Pill

With Curcumin Triple Burn you get...

  • A Healthy Helping of Curcumin: 1,000 milligrams of the three most potent curcuminoids
  • Amplifier #1: The delivery technology, proven to make curcumin 2,000% more absorbable

  • Amplifier #2: Gingerol — the most biologically active compound of ginger

  • Amplifier #3: Galangal — "the spice of life", and third member of the
    curcumin family

  • Bonus Amplifier: Holy Basil — the adaptogen that harnesses and directs the power of all the other ingredients

At last! The full power of turmeric unleashed... And for just $1

It seems like every day the new science shows curcumin's health promoting potential is second to none. It's been shown to support most body systems, organs, and cellular tissues in a positive way, making it a great aid in achieving the best health you can have.

That's why I've gone above and beyond to not only release turmeric's MAXIMUM potential...

But to make it even more affordable, and accessible to YOU.

As you may know, I've referred to curcumin as the $1 pill. And that's certainly true, for typical turmeric supplements.

Yet even with everything I've added to this formula...

Even with the complementary herbs...

Even with the 2,000% boosting technology... and the adaptogen to harness its full potential...

On top of a therapeutic 1,000 mg dose of the three most powerful curcuminoids...

I'm going to stand by my $1 reference with an incredible introductory offer, as you'll see in a moment.

Introducing... The $1 Pill for Everything

If you select the three-month, VIP Auto Delivery option — you can lock in this curcumin breakthrough for just $1 a day.

That's just 50 cents per pill!

So please, don't delay. I really want you to take advantage of my absolute best offer right now.

Try Curcumin Triple Burn TODAY
100% Risk-Free!

I want you to start enjoying every benefit turmeric has to offer...

I want you to experience its unparalleled health promoting benefits...

I want you to start feeling younger brain power, energy and vitality. So what are you waiting for?

You have absolutely nothing to lose — and many years, even decades, of healthy living to gain.

So try my exclusive Curcumin Triple Burn risk-free. You have absolutely nothing to lose — and many years, even decades, of healthy living to gain.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S. I urge you to hurry. We've never experienced so much demand for one of our products... I had to order a second, larger shipment before the first one even arrived. So, to be sure of getting Curcumin Triple Burn risk-free, please send your order now.

Become a Curcumin Triple Burn VIP! Huge VIP Savings, Plus FREE Shipping for LIFE

Save 30% by joining the Curcumin Triple Burn 3-month VIP Auto Delivery Program, which includes a locked-in discount and FREE Shipping for Life.

You'll get 3 bottles of Curcumin Triple Burn shipped right to your door every 3 months for just $29.95 per bottle. And you will get this discounted price along with FREE shipping for as long as you take Curcumin Triple Burn.

That's an annual savings of over $263 — and this price will never go up!

You'll never have to worry about reordering and you can cancel anytime. For your convenience, your credit card will be automatically charged $89.85 with each shipment. You can cancel at least one day before my next shipment to avoid being billed for the next shipment by calling 1-866-895-8555.


You'll get 3 bottles of Curcumin Triple Burn shipped right to my door for only $38.65 each plus shipping and handling. Your credit card will be charged a one-time payment of $115.95 plus shipping. That's a saving of 10%!


I'll get 1 bottle of Curcumin Triple Burn for a one-time payment of $42.95 plus shipping and handling.



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2. Zia A, et all. "The role of curcumin in aging and senescence: Molecular mechanisms." Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 134, 2021: 111119
3. A. Amalraj, et al. "Biological activities of curcuminoids, other biomolecules from turmeric and their derivatives–A review." J. Tradit. Complement. Med. 7:2: 2017.
4. Sharifi S, et al. "Stem cell therapy: Curcumin does the trick." Phytother Res. 2019;33(11):2927-2937.
5. Tu, Y, et al. Piperine potentiates the hypocholesterolemic effect of curcumin in rats fed on a high fat diet. Exp Ther Med. 2014 Jul;8(1):260-266.
6. Kaur G, et al. Influence of Piperine and Quercetin on Antidiabetic Potential of Curcumin. J Complement Integr Med. 2016 Jun 25..
7. Panahi Y, et al. Effects of Curcuminoids-Piperine Combination on Systemic Oxidative Stress, Clinical Symptoms and Quality of Life in Subjects with Chronic Pulmonary Complications Due to Sulfur Mustard: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Diet Suppl. 2016;13(1):93-105.
8. Singh S, et al. Piperine Enhances the Protective Effect of Curcumin Against 3-NP Induced Neurotoxicity: Possible Neurotransmitters Modulation Mechanism. Neurochem Res. 2015 Aug;40(8):1758-66.
9. Sehgal A, et al. Combined effects of curcumin and piperine in ameliorating benzo(a)pyrene induced DNA damage. Food Chem Toxicol. 2011 Nov;49(11):3002-6.
10. Ryan JL, et al. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) reduces acute chemotherapy-induced nausea: a URCC CCOP study of 576 patients. Support Care Cancer. 2012 Jul;20(7):1479-89.
11. Mansour MS, et al. Ginger consumption enhances the thermic effect of food and promotes feelings of satiety without affecting metabolic and hormonal parameters in overweight men: a pilot study. Metabolism. 2012 Oct;61(10):1347-52.
12. Altman RD, et al. Effects of a ginger extract on knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Nov;44(11):2531-8.
13. Akinyemi AJ, et al. Dietary Supplementation of Ginger and Turmeric Rhizomes Modulates Platelets Ectonucleotidase and Adenosine Deaminase Activities in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats. Phytother Res. 2016 Jul;30(7):1156-63.
14. Tahereh A, et al. The effect of ginger consumption on glycemic status, lipid profile and some inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014.
15. Lee HY, et al. 1-Dehydro-[10]-gingerdione from ginger inhibits IKKβ activity for NF-κB activation and suppresses NF-κB-regulated expression of inflammatory genes. Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Sep;167(1):128-40.
16. Naderi Z, et al. Effect of ginger powder supplementation on nitric oxide and C-reactive protein in elderly knee osteoarthritis patients: A 12-week double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Tradit Complement Med. 2015 Jan 28;6(3):199-203.
17. Altman RD, et al. Effects of a ginger extract on knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Nov;44(11):2531–8.
18. "Health Benefits of Ginger." Arthritis Today Magazine, 22 Jan. 2016.
19. Ghosh, S. Alpinia: the gold mine of future therapeutics. 3 Biotech. 2013 Jun; 3(3): 173–185.
20. Sai Krishna. G., et al. "Tulsi" – the Wonder Herb (Pharmacological Activities of Ocimum Sanctum). American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 1, 089-095
21. Cohen MM, et al. Tulsi – Ocimum sanctum: A herb for all reasons. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Oct-Dec; 5(4): 251–259.
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23. Cohen, S, et al. Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance, inflammation, and disease risk. PNAS, April 2, 2012
24. Agrawal P, et al. Randomized placebo-controlled, single blind trial of holy basil leaves in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1996 Sep;34(9):406-9.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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