Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Two Presidents Beat Disease Without Drugs

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Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

October 16, 2024

Two Presidents Beat Disease
Without Drugs

  • President Reagan's secret victory over cancer: the story of how "The Gipper" defeated three kinds of cancer using a perfectly natural protocol

  • How this same protocol restored Trump to perfect health in days

  • Trump's first term finale you didn't hear about: how the president greenlit this same treatment to veterans for brain damage, PTSD, and spinal injury

How thousands of everyday Americans are
using the same treatment that saved Trump and Reagan to defeat ALL kinds of disease



His vitals were failing…

His oxygen levels depleted…

And pneumonia crept into his lungs…

Meaning he'd have to be hooked to a ventilator…

It was one of the worst health crises a sitting president ever faced…

Second only to FDR's polio…

But just days later, he was fever free…

His vitals were stable and in the normal range…

And he was back charging on the campaign trail…

As if nothing had ever happened.

A miraculous recovery.

Now at the age of 78, Trump is healthier than ever.

He even called the episode a "blessing from God."

This is how he was shot and on his feet only moments later...

The assassination attempt hardly even phased him!

How is this possible?

After exploring all the treatments Trump's doctors gave him…

There's only ONE that I can say for certain really explains what happened…

It's the same kind of treatment that I've recommended to thousands of patients for years…

Patients like Keith C who now reports, "I'm 57 but feel like I'm in my 20s again. My mind is sharp and my memory is completely restored. I feel GREAT."

It's not just in my clinic either…

Doctors used this treatment to revive 2-year Eden C. from nearly fatal brain damage…

With results that were "unreported by any other therapy."

LSU's Dr. Paul Harsch says this is "the first treatment not only to halt, but reverse Alzheimer's disease."1

A University of Georgia study on seven cancers concludes it "could result in a sea change in cancer treatment."2

A University of Penn study found it mobilizes 800% more stem cells.3

The New Scientist says it "reverses the underlying CAUSE of memory loss."4

It's being hailed as the "first and only effective clinical treatment" for long Covid…5

And just to be clear, it involves…

NO drugs or surgeries

NO dangerous side effects

NO Big Pharma

NO prescriptions, doctor visits, or hospitals

No wonder why some doctors are calling it "the best kept medical secret in our country."

But the secret is coming out…

This treatment is so powerful, in fact, that Trump went on to approve it for veterans for the first time ever…

One of his FINAL ACTS in his first term as president.

Trump Greenlights Life-Saving Treatment
For Veterans

And the impact is already being felt…

In 2006, a bomb blast in Afghanistan left soldier Ben P. with devastating injuries.

The blast broke his back in three places and punctured his lungs.

Every single rib was broken, his spleen was ruptured and his cheek, nose and jaw were smashed.

He suffered from a total of 40 separate injuries!

Ben, then 22, was left in a coma for four months during which surgeons removed both his legs above the knees.

He also lost his speech and had debilitating brain injuries.

Nine years later, he had tried everything but his recovery was still minimal.

He was confined to a wheelchair…

Unable to clearly speak,…

And still relied on aid for even small tasks like eating, or even sneezing!

That's when his family was referred to this powerful "Trump Treatment…"

And everything changed dramatically.

For the first time in EIGHT years, Ben had feelings in his legs almost instantly.

After one month of treatment, he regained complete feeling in his limbs and recovered much of his speech.

The nerves in his muscles began working again!

As a result…

He was able to do two-mile walks every day on crutches.

He was able to eat on his own again.

He could do over 200 sit-ups per day and "feels stronger than ever."

Months later, he kayaked down Canada's treacherous Yukon River for 250 miles!6

Even his doctors referred to the instant recovery as "miraculous."

And Ben isn't alone…

This Kind Of Breakthrough Saved
President Reagan's Life, Too!

On July 12, 1985, Ronald Reagan's presidency came to a screeching halt. The public didn't know it. The press didn't report it.

But he was prepared to resign his office to Vice President George Bush Sr.

The reason why? 

He was diagnosed with three deadly forms of cancer.

But "the Gipper" never gave up.

In 1985, as President Reagan was scheduled to attend the G7 economic summit in Germany, Reagan had a secret appointment with a leading German doctor famous for curing patients of cancer with a special, natural therapy…

A therapy that doesn't require surgery, and is proven to save 50% of "terminal" patients.

I'm talking about the same therapy that would later save Trump's life…

There are no official records of Reagan's visit, and when reporters interviewed the celebrated cancer specialist, he said he wouldn't divulge the names of his patients, but added, "President Reagan is a very nice man."

Thanks to this little-known treatment, Reagan returned to office stronger than ever.

He came back ready to take on the Soviets and other enemies of America. 

He finished out his second term with incredible victories like the one that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

And here's the incredible part...

With this treatment, Reagan experienced NO hair loss... NO nausea... And NO disfigurement from surgeries.

He lived for another 19 years, and died at age 93... but NOT from cancer.

In short, Reagan was 100% back to normal without pain or side effects.

The "Trump Treatment" Is Launching An Underground Revolution In Medicine

Thousands of everyday Americans are joining this underground revolution in natural medicine.

They're bucking the FDA ban. They're saying NO to the pharmaceutical industry. And they're saying NO to prescription drugs, chemo and surgeries.

Instead they're turning to the Trump Treatment... and healing themselves from all kinds of disease.

Let me give you the example of a patient and friend of mine.

His name is Kevin A. and he struggles with sickle cell anemia.

It's a lot like HIV in that there's no cure for it…

It's almost certainly an early death sentence.

When I learned Vanderbilt was doing a clinical trial to treat sickle cell… I immediately tried to enroll Kevin.

But get this…

According to Obamacare rules…

They had a limited number of spaces in the trial…

And only INSURED patients could receive the treatment.

So they not only denied him…

They wouldn't even let him pay out of pocket!

Imagine that.

They allowed the insurance companies and the government to dictate who qualifies or doesn't…

That is NOT what I got into medicine for.

I can't tell you how many horror stories I hear from patients who've experienced the same thing and come to me as a last resort.

In any case, Kevin didn't give up. And neither did I.

This Saved Kevin From Potentially
Fatal Sickle Cell Disease

His symptoms had accelerated at this point…

His immune system had all but collapsed…

And the infection began to spread…

His limb had turned gangrene…

When it reaches this stage, the disease is usually terminal…

And totally irreversible.

So at this point Kevin was willing to try anything.

I administered the Trump Treatment technology. Then again. And again.

Within the first treatment, things began to change.

In the first week, the leg was notably healing.

Months later, his leg was back to normal.

No side effects. No surgeries. No nothing.


The Trump Treatment restores dead or damaged tissue…

It heals wounds faster by weeks or even months…7

And it kills 99.99% of bacteria and infections …

All without harming healthy cells.

Put another way…

Bacteria, infections, viruses, and diseases cannot survive when the Trump treatment is administered…

What Exactly Is The "Trump Treatment"

This is a form of oxygen therapy.

Now, I know that might sound strange. But think about it.

Oxygen is the source of all life.

As the American Lung Association says, "if you can't breathe, nothing else matters."

But oxygen isn't just important to survive…

Oxygen is also important to keep us young and healthy.

It regenerates. It revives. It rejuvenates.

It's needed to power every cell.

It fuels mitochondria, "tiny power plants" in our cells, that are responsible for generating energy.

This cellular energy is created through a process called "respiration."

Our cells are literally breathing. It's how they do all of the work we need to live.

It's how we think, eat, sleep, walk, talk, bike, and travel. It all relies on cellular respiration.

But without oxygen, they cease working in a healthy way. Cells malfunction.

They mutate, become cancerous, and help spread viruses.

Take a look at this chart:

It shows how, as we age, our oxygen intake – how our lungs absorb oxygen in the bloodstream – falls dramatically.

From the age of 30 on, we lose 80% of our capacity to intake oxygen. We're slowly suffocating.

We may not die right away.

But things stop functioning as they did when we were young.

Even worse, in low oxygen environments, cancer cells, viruses, pathogens, and all sorts of bad bacteria flourish.

They are anaerobic. They thrive and spread when cells don't get the oxygen they need.

This is how they become lethal.

In fact, Ivy League researchers credit the lack of oxygen – hypoxia – for all of mankind's worst illnesses.

The Cause Of ALL Deadly Disease

Take Dr. Arthur G. Guyton, renowned author of The Textbook on Medical Physiology, which is the standard text in all medical schools.

Dr. Guyton writes, "All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at a cellular level."

Dr. Stephen A. Levin, a UC Berkeley molecular biologist, says "lack of oxygen in the tissues is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease."

Dr. Parris M. Kidd, an internationally recognized cell biologist, states, "We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease."

And Dr. W. Spencer Way wrote in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians, "The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established."

The list goes on and on.

The research is conclusive: lack of oxygen is the fundamental cause of all disease. But this loss isn't natural. And it doesn't have to be.

The good news…

By saturating your lungs with high levels of oxygen…

You can preserve and restore your youthful lung capacity.

You can make yourself impervious to disease and viruses.

Because in high grade oxygen environments, 99.99% of bad bacteria, viruses, and disease simply can't survive. It's impossible.

It starts with a "trick" to boost your oxygen intake by 1,000%. It doesn't require a prescription or hospital visit. And it's entirely natural.

All while delivering results that have never been seen by the medical establishment.

All the details are compiled in my brand-new dossier…The Trump Treatment: The Biggest Breakthrough of Our Time To Triumph Over Disease

With your permission, I'll send this groundbreaking research to your inbox today, 100% free of charge.

But before I show you how to access this treatment, let me answer something critical…

Trump Oxygen Healing Effect #1:
How This "New Lungs" Miracle Saved Trump's Life

Exactly how did oxygen save Trump's life?

And why is oxygen now recognized as the "only effective treatment" against long Covid?

It starts with your lungs.

In 2020, this picture of a patient's lungs went viral…

Yes, it's pretty dramatic, but they left something out…

The virus is the trigger, but it isn't what's killing us.

It's our weaker, aging lungs.

This chart shows what happens to our lung function with age.

By age 60, we lose 40% of our lung strength.

And it keeps declining from there.

But this isn't just a natural part of aging. With time, we inhale pollution particles, smoke, and toxins in our environment…

The result: Our lungs lose capacity. They stiffen. They intake less and less oxygen.

Pollution particles penetrate your alveoli, clogging millions of tiny and fragile air sacs that pass oxygen to the bloodstream.8

We become hypoxic, which means we have less oxygen than we need.

Well, this is perfect for viruses. Viruses are anaerobic. Which means they thrive in low oxygen environments.9 In other words…

Low Oxygen Is The Cause Of Viral Infections

There's also the respiratory epithelium. It's like your lung's shield.

Inhaling toxins in our environment for years wrecks this epithelial barrier, leaving our lungs exposed.

Once the infection is in, the immune system responds by releasing "cytokines."10

These inflammatory cells are supposed to target the infection.

But if our lungs are already weak, "aged," and low in capacity…

The immune system doesn't stop at just the "bad cells." It goes into overdrive and targets healthy tissue as well.

The weaker our lungs… the more inflammatory cytokines are released. And it doesn't stop. The destruction triggers more and more inflammation. The result?

The lungs fill with debris and fluid. The blood vessels constrict. The lungs stiffen, and struggle harder to contract. Oxygen stops pumping into the bloodstream. It grows harder and harder to breathe.

Your lungs are totally wrecked.

This is called a "cytokine storm."11

One study found that 81% of deaths from H1N1, the swine flu, were caused by a "cytokine storm."

The Scripps Institute calls it the "major cause of mortality in the Spanish flu" – which killed 50 million people worldwide.12

Viral infections don't kill anyone. This does. But what triggers this out-of-control immune response?

Our fragile and damaged lungs.

And that's where this technology comes in…

It reverses the oxygen loss in the bloodstream caused by viral infection… restoring your lung's ability to intake and process oxygen – in a way that no other treatment can.

The chart here proves it…

It shows a dramatic recovery of Covid-19 patients, using this oxygen technology.

Virus Patients Experienced
A Dramatic Recovery

Normal blood oxygen is 94 to 97%.

In the bottom left corner, right here, you can see the average patient's oxygen levels are well below that.

They're down to a life-threatening 74%.

Just to give you an idea: once blood oxygen falls below 80%, vital organs begin shutting down.

That means they had hours to live. Not days, hours.

Nobody can survive for long on that little oxygen.

But the doctors didn't hook them to respirators.

They instead gave them this technology, which boosted their oxygen levels back to 94%.

In short, they returned to normal healthy oxygen levels.

They could breathe again. Their lungs were healthy and normal.

All after a single treatment. All in one hour.

This is why all 35 patients in the study survived. All went on with their lives.

It did the same for Donald Trump.

And just to reiterate:

This is no "virus cure." In fact, this doesn't beat the virus on its own. But it doesn't have to.

It does three things:

  • Strengthen lung power to pump oxygen into the bloodstream.

  • Clear out destructive inflammation that wreaks havoc on our lungs.

  • And boost our natural immune defenses, allowing our body to do the job of beating the virus.

No need for an external weapon...

Our body can do most of the work of beating the virus.

It just needs a booster.

And that's what this technology is.

Above all, it supercharges our lung power. It makes them work like they're designed to.

So next time there's a new virus, which is bound to happen, your lungs are already bulletproof.

But me and my patients already knew this. For years we have been using this oxygen technology to reverse our "lung age".

I'm 65 Years Old, But Have The Lungs
Of A 20-Year Old

In my case, I was tested and shown to have 100% lung function. That's pretty astounding.

Nobody has that level of lung function past the age of 30. Not in America. Not in this day and age.

It was similar with my patients. We did a clinical study at my anti-aging institute.

200 of my patients enlisted. When we started their average biological age was 58 years old.

That's for everything, not just lung health.

Then they used this oxygen technology.

When we measured their biomarkers again, the change was dramatic.

Even I couldn't predict these kinds of results.

Their "bio-age" was younger by an average of 17 years.

For some it was even more dramatic.

Some reversed their brain age by 40 years. For their lungs, by 20 years or more.

You can do the same.

You don't have to get a prescription. You don't need a hospital visit.

There's a way to boost your oxygen capacity by 10-20x …

A little-known trick that costs pennies, and doesn't require insurance.

The same trick that saved Ronald Reagan from cancer…

The same one that saved hundreds of virus patients…

And as you're about to see…

It's even saving some Americans from the ravages of Alzheimer's!

If it can fight cancer and Alzheimer's… imagine what it can do for you.

But first, I want to answer something you might be wondering…

Trump Oxygen Healing Effect #2:
The Treatment That Saved Two Presidents Has Been Known To Fight Cancer And Win For Over 90 Years

How could something so basic as oxygen, something we take for granted in our everyday lives, possibly fight cancer?

Well, 91 years ago, that's exactly what German physiologist and medical doctor Otto Heinrich Warburg set out to find out.

He was the first to discover the healing, disease-fighting power of oxygen technology.

And his conclusions were downright astonishing.

Look at how he addressed a prestigious gathering of Nobel Laureates:

"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar."

In other words...

"The Lack of Oxygen
Is The #1 Cause of Cancer"

That in itself is pretty incredible... and it's now recognized today by "legitimate" institutions.

In fact, they've dubbed it "the Warburg Effect."

But they refuse to talk about his solution…

A solution that renders chemo and surgery obsolete…

And threatens the entire $222 billion a year cancer industry…13

According to Warburg, "It is indisputable that all cancer could be prevented if the respiration of body cells were kept intact."

In short, supplying your cells with oxygen not only kills cancer cells and tumors, it blocks future cancer cells from forming.

It's that simple.

These findings were so revolutionary they won him the Nobel Prize in 1931!

And since then 6,100 independent studies have confirmed Warburg's Nobel-Prize discovery.

More than 100 new articles are now published every month on it.

Institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Baylor have studied the healing effects of oxygen.

It doesn't stop at cancer, of course…

Trump Oxygen Healing Effect #3:
"The first treatment not only to halt, 
but reverse Alzheimer's disease."

– Dr. Paul Harsch, LSU

Reagan's Top Defense Advisor Used This To Defeat Memory Loss!

This is Dr. Edward Teller — America's No.1 scientist.

He worked on the top-secret Manhattan Project with Einstein… helping us win World War II.

He became director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – America's top-secret military technology site.

And he was a top defense advisor to President Ronald Reagan… A role that allowed him to help make America's military great again.

But in 1982, that all came to a crashing halt.

Suddenly, Teller fell victim to a catastrophic stroke… losing much of his memory. He could no longer travel by himself. And at the age of 74, his career – and life – seemed to be over.

But that's NOT what happened.

Because even with his long career in the scientific field…

The newest drugs and surgeries at his disposal…

And his top-secret clearance at the highest levels of government…

Teller decided to buck the medical establishment.

And instead opted for this brain-enhancing oxygen technology.

And get this:

It reversed Teller's brain damage – all in just a matter of days.

He could walk and talk like himself again. He returned back to his work. And he led the major military renewal that helped Reagan take down the Soviets.

All in his 70s!

The biggest part?

He likely inspired Reagan to use this same treatment just three years later.

A decision that allowed "The Gipper" to beat cancer — and save his life.

Teller attempted to break the news. He shouted from the rooftops. He even wrote in books about it.

But even with his long history of accomplishments, he was ignored by the medical establishment.

Two decades later, Teller wrote:
"One day, professors of medicine will have difficulty in explaining why [this treatment] was not widely adopted much earlier."

The genie is now unleashed…

Previously used only by great men like Trump, Teller, and Reagan…

Everyday Americans are now experiencing miraculous recoveries from Alzheimer's, stroke, dementia…

All in a matter of days.

All thanks to a groundbreaking protocol that the New Scientist says "reverses the underlying CAUSE of memory loss."¹

For example…

2-Year-Old Girl Sees "Irreversible"
Brain Damage

At the age of 2, Eden C. fell into the family swimming pool and drowned. She stayed underwater for 15 minutes before being discovered. And she wasn't successfully resuscitated for another two hours.14

Even though she survived, Eden suffered a severe brain injury, including gray and white matter loss.

She could no longer speak, walk, or respond to voices. The doctors said nothing could be done for her.

Then in stepped a team from the LSU School of Medicine and the University of North Dakota.

Using The Same Oxygen Technology
That Saved Reagan And Teller, 
They Helped Repair Eden's Brain Damage
All In A Matter Of Weeks!

First, she recovered her alertness and ability to move her arms and legs. After a few months, Eden appeared to be back to "near normal."

When treatments ended, she regained her walking and her speech pattern had actually IMPROVED!

Almost like it had never happened at all.15

She showed gains on all neurological tests and normal cognitive function.

Within six months after Eden drowned, her neurological tests showed a complete turnaround!

Two years later, Eden is as healthy and happy as every other child in her preschool class.

The results stunned everyone close to the story.

The team of scientists monitoring Eden's recovery said that this was…

"Unreported With Any Other Therapy"

But here's the thing…

New research confirms that patients are experiencing life-changing results with this same oxygen technology.

Sometimes years, or even decades, after they first experience brain-related problems.

The medical establishment says this is "impossible." But it's happening…

Written off as "irrecoverable," my patients are enjoying more alertness, focus, stronger memories, wit, and quicker response.

They're even seeing brain damage REVERSED – and it's verified by medicine's top MRI technology.

So what is the technology behind the recoveries of Trump, Edward Teller and Ronald Reagan…

As well as so many everyday Americans?

Why is this being touted by the world's leading medical schools as a brain damage-reversing miracle?

One that restores your brain's ability to think, process, and recall.

Let me explain:

The 10x Oxygen-Boosting Therapy
's, Cancer, Aged Immunity, And More

It's a high energy, high grade, high powered form of oxygen.

This is the single best way to get the best form of oxygen directly in your blood. Let me explain:

Normally, oxygen is carried by our red blood cells.

However, high amounts of CO2, caused by inhaling toxins in our environment, shut down the oxygen carriers (hemoglobins) in our red blood cells.

The result?

Oxygen delivery slows or even stops completely.

This is where this oxygen therapy comes in.

The technology pumps high grade oxygen at ten times the normal pressure our lungs are used to.

It bypasses the red blood cells. It saturates pure oxygen right into your bloodstream, spinal fluids, brain fluids.

There's no need to enter cellular receptors. It doesn't have to pass through the gut.

Oxygen is accepted everywhere in our cells immediately.

It's a vital component of life.

But it does so much more…

What this does is increase your lung's power.

It gives your lungs a greater ability to intake oxygen.

It trains our lungs to work as they did when we were young.

That's how it restores our youthful oxygen levels.

That's the important part. It doesn't simply give us more oxygen. This isn't a one-time shot.

Long when we're out of the chamber, we can breathe just as we did 20, 30, even 40 years ago.

We're getting 10, 15, or even 20 times more oxygen in the bloodstream.

That's pretty incredible.

It reverses decades of oxygen loss – in 1-hour sessions.

This Is ONLY ONE Of The "Confidential Cures" I Use With My Patients... There Are Many More

For the last 20 years, I've made a pilgrimage around the world to the places where people are being cured of "incurable" diseases.

I also go to the famous "Blue Zones," places where people are known for their extreme longevity. Places where heart disease doesn't exist… where Alzheimer's is unknown… and where no one is obese. I do it to uncover what their secrets are and make them available to my patients and readers.

Some of these places are well known. Others are more exotic and I have to dig deeper or actually live among the aboriginal natives. Secrets that nature herself seems to keep confidential.

The important thing for you is this: No matter how you're feeling right now; I've probably discovered natural and effective secrets for you to live better and feel younger.

In fact, on my recent trip to Africa, I found an incredible number of healing secrets almost unknown in the West. The healers there showed me what they use to successfully treat prostate and breast cancer.

I was shocked and amazed to see photos and case studies, where people are half eaten up with cancer — and in the next picture, you can see they've been healed. A lesion on a woman's breast was almost gone in four days. Skin cancer healed, prostate cancer gone.

I Want You To Use These Breakthroughs To Unlock MORE Energy And MORE Immunity

That's why I'm inviting you to join my inner circle of confidential insiders… a select group who wants an unrestricted, in-depth look at the cures, advice and healing secrets that are transforming the lives of the people who use them.

I call this membership service Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.

You see, until now, I haven't had a way to tell you about all of these cures... And there's another problem. Because I offer nutrients to my patients, I can't say that those nutrients treat or cure diseases. Why?

The FDA has a standing gag order in place, preventing ANYONE from making these claims when offering you a cure.

Until now, only my patients, staff, and closest friends have had an unrestricted look at my discoveries from my travels. They've heard the stories, first-hand, about what is working for the patients who come to my clinic. And they've had a front-row seat to the latest anti-aging breakthroughs from the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.

Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World is my solution for you.

Now it's your turn.

As a member of this privileged group, you'll have unrestricted access to information and advice you can act on immediately — information that will come to you on a monthly basis.

There's a modest fee I'll ask you to pay for this exclusive membership service, but it comes to less than the price of your morning coffee.

Just $3.25 a month — about what you'd pay for a good cup of coffee!

Confidential Cures is only $39 for a 12-month subscription — an unbelievably modest $3.25 a month, or about the cost of a large coffee.

Best of all, your bonus reports are FREE when you subscribe to Confidential Cures today, including...

  • The Great Stem Cell Breakthrough

  • Asia's Wonder Spice: The $1 Cure for Every Disease...
    Without Side Effects

Privileged Information—
But Only for a Privileged Few

Only the members of my inner circle ever see the unique, life-altering discoveries that Confidential Cures is packed with.

How important and exclusive is this?

Well, just remember that Confidential Cures offers you an inside look at remedies and treatments you'd never hear about otherwise — remedies that take you beyond the restrictive, "prescription only" tyranny of the big drug companies.

Now, let me give you just a hint of what you'll find every time you open an issue of Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.

I'll introduce you to the breakthroughs you've seen today — the most important, dramatic and still largely hidden disease-fighting breakthrough of all time.

This alone would be worth your time and attention.

But you'll also be given the keys to dozens of hidden cures and forbidden technologies:

  • 12 new ways to conquer heart disease...
  • Beat the 5 kinds of cancer that are still running wild...
  • Flush arthritis out of your joints — and live, walk and run pain-free...
  • 6 easy steps toward hi-def vision and razor-sharp eyesight...
  • Reverse the "biological age" of your cells, tissues and organs... And restore the energy and vibrancy you thought was gone forever.

Please don't wait to take advantage of this limited-time-only opportunity. I'm trying to hold the line on what I charge you for this — but I can't hold costs down forever.

The African plains, the Amazon jungles, the Australian desert, the Antarctic Ocean — there is nowhere I won't go if I think I can find something of value to bring back to you.

My mission with Confidential Cures is this:

To show you how to use the most powerful tools on the planet to live your life with as much energy and vibrancy as you had in your younger days, and to make sure you know all of your options for erasing pain, illness, and disease.

When you begin your Platinum Membership in Confidential Cures today, you'll immediately save 23% off the regular price of $99.95.

That means you'll enjoy 2 FULL YEARS of access to the power of oxygen technology plus the world's hidden cures for just $77.

In addition to the 24 issues you get with your Platinum Membership, you'll get a head-start with a special package of additional bonuses… Absolutely FREE.

Exclusive Additional Bonuses Reserved
for Platinum Members Only

I want to make sure you have a front-row seat right from day one of your membership. When you become a Platinum subscriber today, I'll send you a Welcome Kit with 5 additional FREE bonuses valued at $149.75.

That's in addition to my three reports I promised you... those are already yours.

But your Platinum Membership comes with 5 NEW Special Reports that are reserved only for Confidential Cures Platinum Members – just-released bonuses that aren't sold or shared anywhere else.

Take a look at the 5 additional reports you'll get as a Platinum Member:

FREE Platinum Member Bonus #1: 
The 10 Reasons I'm Not a Vegetarian

a $29.95 value.

In this exclusive report, I reveal why I'm not a vegetarian and dispel the myth that vegetarianism is in any way healthy, compassionate, sustainable, or equitable. You'll also discover how to avoid the worst vegetarian health offenders.

FREE Platinum Member Bonus #2: 
The Cholesterol Fraud –
And Other Dirty Little
Secrets of Modern Medicine

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Standard medicine has declared war on this part of your body, and I'm helping you fight back. Learn about the real ways you can prevent heart disease, and avoid the deadly effects of the war on cholesterol.

FREE Platinum Member Bonus #3:
Are Your Lungs Dying?

a $29.95 value.

It's the most serious consequence of aging... but no one's doing anything about it. Your lungs determine how long you'll live more than any other factor, but they shrink with age. In fact, modern exercise advice helps weaken and shrink your lungs even faster. In this report, I show you how to reverse the damage and breathe new life into your lungs and your body.

FREE Platinum Member Bonus #4:
Your 6-Week Anti-Aging Plan

a $29.95 value.

You'll get access to my exclusive guide to reset your biological clock to look and feel your best. Until now, this guide has only been available to my patients and members of my fitness program. Inside, you'll discover a breakthrough technology that is available for the first time in medical history. The feeling of youth shouldn't be wasted on the young, and with my 6-Week Anti-Aging Plan, you'll have the energy and stamina to live life the way you want to!

FREE Platinum Member Bonus #5: 
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Al Sears, MD






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