Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Improve memory 27% in 3 months

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Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

July 2, 2024


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can increase blood flow to the brain…

And improve memory loss by 27%.

That's the conclusion of a recent breakthrough study by researchers in Israel after testing the therapy on both animal and human subjects.

The researchers also found that HBOT can reduce the volume of amyloid plaques and prevent new plaques from forming.1

When these plaques form in the brain, they prevent neurons from communicating. The result can lead to memory loss, confusion, cell damage, and cell death.

The Israeli study was done in two parts.

In the first part, researchers split a group of mice that were genetically modified to have cognitive impairment into two groups. Half received HBOT one hour a day for four weeks, for a total of 20 sessions.


I've been helping patients improve memory using HBOT at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine for several years — with incredible results.

The control group received no treatment.

After one month, the research team reported that both memory and task learning improved in the HBOT mice.

Then the team examined the brains of both groups. They found that in the mice that got HBOT therapy:

  • Existing plaques shrank 40%
  • No new plaques developed
  • New blood vessels were created

But in the mice that didn't get HBOT therapy, blood vessels shrank, which limited blood flow to the brain.

And the number of existing plaques not only doubled, but grew 12% larger.

Human Studies Were Even More Remarkable

Part two of the study was done on human patients aged 65 and older. All the volunteers had cognitive impairment and memory loss.

The participants were treated with 60 HBOT sessions once a day over 90 days. Each session included breathing 100% oxygen at two times the atmospheric pressure.

High-resolution imaging was taken before and after treatment. The scans revealed that after 60 HBOT sessions:

  • Blood flow to the brain, including the area where memories are processed and retrieved, significantly increased – up to 23%
  • Overall cognitive scores improved from 102 to 109
  • Memory scores jumped a dramatic 27% – from 86 up to 100

Poor blood flow to the brain has long been linked to memory loss.

You see, poor blood flow restricts the delivery of life-giving oxygen and vital nutrients to your brain.

HBOT treatment boosts oxygen levels in your brain in two ways:

  1. It allows your lungs to take in more oxygen than would be possible if you were breathing oxygen at normal air pressure. The higher pressure physically dissolves more oxygen into your red blood cells, boosting oxygen levels.

  2. It increases the synthesis of nitric oxide. This simple natural gas is one of your body's most important signaling chemicals. Its primary function is to send "blood flow signals" that tell your blood vessels to relax. This allows more oxygen-rich blood to reach your brain. When blood vessels in your brain are inflamed and squeezed, restricting oxygen supply, HBOT opens them up.

Are You Ready To Improve Your Memory?

At my clinic, I've been helping patients improve memory using HBOT for several years — and the results have been remarkable.

Getting hyperbaric oxygen therapy is easy and painless. You simply climb onto a bed and relax for about an hour. A clear hood is closed over the bed. You can even watch TV or take a nap.

I've successfully used HBOT therapy at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine for years.

If you're ready to see what HBOT therapy can do for you or someone you love, please call my clinic at 561-784-7852 to schedule an appointment.

My team is eager to help.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


  1. Shapira R, et al. "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy alleviates vascular dysfunction and amyloid burden in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model and in elderly patients." Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Sep 9;13(17):20935-20961.

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11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411, United States

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