Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The painful truth about joint-support supplements

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Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

June 5, 2024

"It's Like WD-40 For My Joints!"

Doctor's new clinically tested formula changed his patients'
life... now it's your turn!

√ Stay comfortable and mobile as the months and years go by

Stay flexible so you can always reach, bend, twist, and stretch at will

Get around as you always have  and never give in to "getting old!"

"Give This 30 Days and It Will Change Your Mind About Joint Support Forever!" - Dr. Al Sears, MD


For Bob, it started with his socks.

He had spent a lifetime working in construction, raising a family, and enjoying the outdoors life here in Florida.

He was always the guy who "got things done"—for his wife… his kids… his neighbors… his church.

He never said no!

But now at 77, "getting things done" just wasn't easy anymore.

Not with the occasional stiffness and discomfort it caused!

He wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but sometimes it left him struggling just to put on his own socks and get on with his day.

And that's why he came to see me.

He didn't want to give up his active life, much less become a burden to his family.

He wanted a way to keep his joints strong and flexible for as long as possible.

And I had good news for him. As I told him…

Our Joints Are Meant to Stay Active and
Comfortable — and We Can Help Them

I told Bob about a major joint-health discovery that's decades ahead of typical supplements like glucosamine when it comes to supporting range of motion.

As I told him, many people who try it, love it.

You'll be surprised, I said, by the way it can "lift your game"—so you can…

  • Dive into your hobbies and stay active with joints that move like they've found their rhythm again…

  • Marvel at the flexibility you enjoy when you swing a golf club, dance at a wedding, or simply pick up a front porch package delivery…

  • Handle daily tasks at the same brisk pace you've always enjoyed without running out of steam…

Bob had never heard of it. The various "big brand" joint-support supplements he tried over the years didn't have a trace.

So Bob took my advice and gave this new breakthrough a chance.

And now here he was, sitting in my office with a big smile and telling me what a difference it makes:

"It's Like WD-40 For My Joints!"

I guarantee you've never heard of what I'm about to share, either.

It's a clinically validated advance that puts you in the driver's seat with…

  • Comfort that doesn't falter…

  • Flexibility that won't stiffen or freeze…

  • Mobility that never leaves you dependent on others…

And unlike outdated joint formulas still stuck on old-fashioned glucosamine, it finally delivers true age-defying potential to every joint in your body…

…and in far less time than promised by typical "joint rescue" solutions—starting the first week and getting better and better.

Give It 30 Days and It Will Change
Your Mind About Joint Support Forever

I'm Dr. Al Sears, M.D., founder of the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. I've treated over 25,000 patients with advanced natural solutions, and this breakthrough for "ageless joints" is one of the best.

In just a few short minutes you'll know exactly why this team of all-natural ingredients puts so many other joint-support formulas to shame…

…and why—if you want to hit the brakes on "getting old" and keep living a life filled with activity and comfort—

You should start with this.

You'll hear from other people like Bob—not social media influencers or paid celebrity endorsers—who tried it and are thrilled with the way it helps them keep going strong. Indeed…

Many of My Patients Say
They Couldn't Be Happier!

People like Shirley M. of West Palm Beach, Florida who can't believe her good fortune:

"After two weeks…I found that going up and down the stairs was always easy. I was pleased!"

...and Bill G. in Indiana, who is just as happily surprised as Shirley:

"It's great… I can't thank Dr. Sears enough!"

And Dave in Massachusetts, who's now a believer, too:

"Within a week, the occasional discomfort had pretty much disappeared!"

And it's all thanks to its all-natural "chondroprotectors" that are missing in most joint supplements—even the most popular brands you see on TV.

These unique compounds are chondroprotective polyphenols.

I call them "CPPs" for short, and they hold the key to helping you…

Get the Support You Want —
and Always Be at Your Best

 "Chondro?" It's the Greek root for cartilage. And cartilage is, of course, what needs protection the most.

That's why scientists are now diving into plant-based polyphenol research with growing excitement.

More than 8,000 have been identified, yet only a tiny fraction of them show a strong affinity for our joints.

But those that do—these powerful dietary chondroprotectors—are making waves.

Recent research reveals their ability to help you keep joint cartilage sound and problem-free.

And just like Bob, you'll continue to be able to…

Handle Everyday Tasks
Like a Well-Oiled Machine

You see, CPPs are nature's "secret weapon" to protect against excessive joint oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is a fundamental threat to cartilage as you get older. It speeds up the cellular aging process that ultimately causes the wearing down of cartilage.

Some people say this is inevitable—it's part of "getting old" and we just have to put up with it.

But I say, don't fall for that old line:

These New "Chondroprotector" Discoveries
Rewrite the Script For Aging Joints!

In one of the best joint health studies I've read, a 2022 analysis explains how one of these powerful CPPs sustains cartilage and other tissues of the joint.1

1. It's shown to reduce oxidative stress on joint tissues and to support the healthy regulation of proinflammatory mediators such as TNF-a, IL-6, and COX-2.

2. It also supports the normal activity of an enzyme called 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and a hormone-like chemical called prostaglandin e2 (PGe2)— that supports joint comfort and trouble-free joint function.2

3. It helps preserve the matrix proteins that make up cartilage by supporting optimal hyaluronan levels in synovial fluid.

In fact, its ability to support healthy aging has been documented at the DNA level.3   

This explains why it works so well to maintain and support good cartilage health as the years go by

And it comes from only one source in the world…

A "Miracle" Resin From India — Keeping Joints
Strong and Supple For Thousands of Years

On my first trip to India nearly 30 years ago, I saw for myself how this resinous gum works wonders to help rural villagers stay at their best.

The villagers call it "guggulu" and they swear by its rejuvenating powers. It's been revered since antiquity.

Westerners know its refined form as Indian frankincense or boswellia, and it has been used in India's rich Ayurvedic health system down through the ages to ease occasional stiffness and discomfort.

It comes from a leafy tree called boswellia serrata that grows in the dry mountainous regions of India.

The ancients harvested the resin from its thin bark and in its dried chewable form, guggulu gum became a mainstay throughout the subcontinent for joint comfort and support.

It's still doing the same today all over India's vast rural landscape, only now we know the secret behind its success:

The Most Potent "Chondroprotector"
Uncovered Yet

It's a polyphenol called boswellic acid, and it's the driving force behind Indian frankincense's storied past.

The 2022 report I mentioned reveals how it works to support healthy joints, bring comfort when needed, and promote healthy joint mobility and function even as you age.  

And in my experience helping thousands of older adults "stay young…"

It's "Joint Power" You Can Count On!

And not just when you're getting around the house or mowing the lawn—

This is how you finish up strong on the 18th hole…

…stroll the fabled streets of Paris, Rome, and London and see all the sights…

…enjoy family holidays and outings without limping home in discomfort. 

In fact, one study took place with volunteers just like my patient Bob, who would "overdo it" during the day and feel achy and stiff afterward.

In this study, patients with occasional knee discomfort took 250 mg of boswellia extract daily and went about their business as usual.4

As the weeks went by, they started noticing something—their "occasional" knee issues were becoming less frequent and less annoying. By 90 days it was obvious their joints were getting the healthy support they craved. They felt good!

Multiple studies show boswellia starts working in as little as 7 days.5,6 And it's not just for knees—your whole body benefits from it.

Boswellia is one powerful CPP. And the best news is…

This Remarkable "Chondroprotector" Isn't Alone

I've identified five additional time-tested sources that are loaded with these special chondroprotective polyphenols.

They've been used for hundreds and even thousands of years in natural health traditions around the world.

And they work not because they have the same old ingredients found in typical joint-support supplements, but because they brim with these powerful polyphenol micronutrients.

That brings me to the second big secret to regaining and maintaining the vibrant, active life you want, and it's simple. Scientists say:

These Natural CPPs Work Even Better As a Team

Order Now! Save 30%

Synergy matters, according to the research.1 Different polyphenols provide different antioxidant effects that maximize support for good joint health.

And that's what it takes to continue enjoying an active life where your joints do everything you ask of them.

Combining these CPPs adds up to greater support to help you:

√ Stay comfortable and mobile as the months and years go by

Stay flexible so you can always reach, bend, twist, and stretch at will

Get around as you always have  and never give in to "getting old!"

So I've brought the best of these ingredients together in one chondroprotector-packed formula.

It's called Mobilify. It's available exclusively from Primal Force, and I can promise you:

Mobilify Will Benefit You
In So Many Powerful Ways…

You won't look for another joint-health formula ever again!

It supports "old joints" unlike any other supplement or formula available.

You'll feel like the dynamo you're used to being...zipping around and doing the things you love and feeling fantastic—

just like the people you're reading about here.

Mobilify helps you be the best you can be. And no other product can compete with it…no matter how hard they try.

PROOF That Mobilify Is Changing Lives All Over the Country!

Rene C. is a bellman at a famous Las Vegas hotel. He spends 8 hours a day on his feet lifting heavy luggage, but that's no problem for him—even at the age of 73—thanks to Mobilify. He writes:

Oldest Bellman

Rene C. says, "I think I'm the oldest bellman at my hotel."

"I started to take Mobilify and at the end of the day I'm standing straight and my feet do not hurt. I work with kids 20, 30, 40 years younger than me. They have a lot of problems that I do not have and I have been telling them what Mobilify has done for me!"

Penny O. is also on her feet all day long with her hospital job. It used to take a toll on her joints and her state of mind, but not anymore—

"I feel more energized…and able to take care of my patients like I used to. My coworkers even noticed that my mood has changed. I am happy that I have found Mobilify."

Chris R. of Brooklyn sometimes struggled to get out of bed and on occasion even getting up out of chairs. But he wasn't ready to give in to "old age," and look what he says now:

"Mobilify works great! My occasional problems seemed to vanish after about a week."

Rene, Penny, and Chris feel strong and comfortable thanks to Mobilifyand you will, too.  

And the reason Mobilify stands out from other joint-support formulas is simple—

It's Not What They Have, It's What They Don't!

Mobilify's "dream team" of chondroprotective polyphenols starts with 400 mg of Indian frankincense (boswellia) extract in every daily serving.

Then only Mobilify builds onto this powerful CPP core with five additional sources of joint-loving chondroprotective polyphenols. They include:

Chondro- Protector #2:

Meadowsweet (300 mg) — loaded with joint-supporting polyphenols like gallic, ellagic, caftaric, and salicylic acids that fend off oxidative stress and promote greater comfort.7 It's been used in Europe since
the 16th century.

Chondro- Protector #3:

Chinese Skullcap (200 mg). Its power lies in its incredible 56 polyphenol flavonoids including baicalin and wogonin.8 Both have been shown in lab studies to have notable chondroprotective effects.9,10,11 No wonder skullcap is one of the most prized ingredients in Chinese traditional medicine.

Chondro- Protector #4:

Arnica (150 mg) is "rich in polyphenols"12 like quercetin, rutin, and apigenin that help neutralize free radicals like nobody's business.13 This mountain-grown plant from Siberia has eased discomfort in the world's harshest environments for over 500 years.

Chondro- Protector #5:

Citrus Bioflavonoids (100 mg) are 100% polyphenols that include the most powerful free-radical neutralizers in the entire food universe. Super-polyphenols like hesperidin, diosmin, and naringin help minimize corrosive oxidative stress and keep your body going strong.14

Chondro- Protector #6:

Hibiscus (50 mg brims with phenols, flavonoids, and tannins that contribute to a healthy balance.15 Indeed, a 2022 meta-analysis confirms how it enhances antioxidant activity throughout the body and reduces oxidative stress which is unhealthy for all tissues.16

Order Now! Save 30%

And together with the 400 mg of Indian Frankincense (boswellia)…

That's 1,200 mg of
Ingredients in Every Mobilify Serving!

Try finding that in other joint-health formulas.

They're still stuck in the 1990s with glucosamine-heavy formulas that take months to work…if they ever do!

Some may include one or two of these powerful polyphenols, but not nearly enough compared to the effective levels you get in Mobilify.

My Promise: Mobilify Will Help You In These 12 Important Ways (and Many More!)

As I tell my patients, maintaining excellent mobility shouldn't just be a goal, it should be a passion.

It's part of staying "SAFE"— Strong, Able, Flexible, and Engaged—which is healthy aging at its best. Indeed, it's healthy living at its best!

Part of that is exercising and staying active. But first you have to keep your joints healthy and comfortable, and that's where Mobilify comes in.

Test it yourself and see how great you feel after 30 days. I'm convinced Mobilify will earn its keep many times over when you're:

yes   Walking or standing
yes   Getting up from chairs
yes   Getting in/out of the bathtub
yes   Going up and down stairs
yes   Getting in/out of cars
yes   Rising out of bed
yes   Bending and reaching
yes   Getting dressed in the morning
yes   Shopping for groceries
yes   Doing household chores
yes   Putting on socks and shoes
yes   Enjoying recreational activities

There's a reason other joint-support supplements don't "spell out" their promises like this but Mobilify does.

See for yourself how it helps you always be your best. My 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee makes it easy and risk-free.

And the proof is in the pudding.

Swap out a 1,200 mg glucosamine supplement with this team and you'll feel the difference fast.

You'll understand why so many people embrace this whole new approach to joint support:

Out With the Glucosamine, In With the Chondroprotectors!

Dennis H. had tried them all—formulas with glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM—but nothing worked as well as Mobilify did.

As he puts it, Mobilify is "definitely one pill that works for me out of the many I have tried." He writes:

"I am an avid golfer. My knuckles get stiff and sore. I have tried many pills with no
effect. Tried your Mobilify…have had excellent results. I can attest to Mobilify enabling me to pursue my golfing days. Thank you!" 

Shirley M. in Florida struggled with her stairs on occasion, like many seniors do. But nothing gave her the support she wanted until she discovered Mobilify

"After two weeks of taking Mobilify, I could go up and down the staircase with ease. I was shocked! I had no idea that this was such a wonderful product. I have recommended it to my family members and friends."

Mobilify helps Dennis, Shirley, and so many others stay on their feet and on the go. Daily tasks like using stairs are simple again.

And because Mobilify is all about helping you stay comfortable for years to come, it also includes …

Two Chondroprotective Enzymes That Keep
Your Joints Loose and Limber

The first is a remarkable enzyme from pineapples called bromelain.

It's become one of my top recommendations when occasional stiffness and  discomfort become the norm, and here's why—

As you get older, your joints take longer to bounce back from hard use and even typical daily activities.

Normal healing processes repair the affected joint tissue but they produce metabolic byproducts—protein-based debris—that can build up.

It's like a pebble in a shoe.

Chondroprotective polyphenols don't alleviate it…but bromelain does.

It's a proteolytic enzyme, which means it breaks down these proteins and helps flush them out of the picture.

Everywhere in your body—from your knees, hips, and elbows to your fingers and toes—

It Works Like a "Clean-Up Crew" For This Irksome Debris

…and that means greater comfort and better joint support for you.

In one British university study, 77 participants with mild knee discomfort were given either 200 mg or 400 mg of bromelain daily.17

Three months later, it was "significantly reduced compared with baseline" in both treatment groups, according to the researchers.   

And that made life easier all around.

They got out of bed more easily…

…in and out of cars more easily…

…up and down stairs more easily…

…and they stood, walked, and went about their day in comfort.

And here's the icing on the cake:

Their sense of well-being also "improved significantly."

You see, the researchers thought ahead. They knew that even occasional joint trouble can affect your moods, so they included that question in their study as well.

It's another reminder: when you can get around with ease, you're not worrying about whether or not your joints will "hold up."

When Your Joints Feel Good, You Feel Great!

That's why Mobilify includes 250 mg of bromelain in every serving plus 250 mg of a second special enzyme called papain.

Papain comes from the papaya fruit, found in tropical regions all over the world.

I learned all about it on a research trip to Bali where I met with the island's most renowned natural healers and traditional herbalists.

It's another proteolytic enzyme that helps break down protein-based waste products, and that makes it a perfect partner for bromelain.

There's little doubt to me that both enzymes are safe, natural "joint-maintenance specialists" of the first order.

With a Combined 500 mg in Every Serving, You
Get Full-Strength "Enzyme Power" at Its Best!

And Mobilify has one more ingredient your joints may be sorely missing.

Magnesium is an important mineral for joint health18 and low levels can lead to stiffness, weakness, and fatigue.19

And nearly 50% of all adults—and 80% of adults over 70 years old—do not get enough daily!20

It's a problem that's easy to avoid. So Mobilify provides a supplemental level of 100 mg daily to help you make sure you get enough.

It's all part of Mobilify's mission to keep you going strong, month after month, year after year. The name says it all!

And with every three-capsule serving totaling 1,800 mg of these powerful chondroprotective ingredients, it's easy to see why…

Mobilify Does MORE For Your Joints
Than Any Other Pill on the Market Today

These ingredients have long been a big part of the work I've done for natural joint support at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.

With all of them working on your side, you'll feel the difference starting in a week or sooner…

…and that means by the time other typical formulas begin to kick in, you may reach a point where you barely notice occasional discomfort at all.

It also means that plans you've shelved because of tired joints like…

√ Walking and hiking vacations in America's beautiful national parks…

√ Activities you've scaled back like golf, pickleball, gardening, jogging…

√ Exercise programs that you know will do you so much good…

are now back in play. All of them!

No Wonder So Many People Have a "Wow!"
Moment When They Start Taking Mobilify

These folks were in your shoes when they started taking Mobilify.

Then came the day when they realized how much their daily life had turned for the better—

"I have noticed a marked improvement. I am a believer!" says Hilda S…

 "Mobilify definitely helps!" says Patricia K. in Pennsylvania…
"More mobility all around…I am pleased with this product." says Maurice F. in Ireland…

"It allows me to go at the intensity that I'm used to, without aches," says Claire H. in Florida…

"With Mobilify, I'm feeling much better…thank you so much!" says Cindy C. in Texas…

Look at what they say now. You can be next!

Thanks to Mobilify, This is How You're Supposed to Feel!

I've lost count of all the presentations I've done at health conferences talking about Mobilify and these ingredients for lifelong joint-health support.

One point I often make is how old-fashioned and out-of-touch most of the joint-relief supplement industry is.

Our competitors are happy going along with last-century solutions as long as the money keeps flowing in.

√ They don't want you to compare formulas...

√ They hope you never learn how outdated they are…

√ They pray you don't discover a better option really exists!

But I'm not afraid to show you:

Why Mobilify Gives Your Joints True Age-
Defying Potential and Other Formulas Don't!

Get Fast
And Effective


Osteo Bi-
Flex One
Per Day

Cosamin DS

Nature Made
Triple Flex

Move Free

Key Active


Vitamin D

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Hyaluronic Acid

Total amount of
Polyphenol Sources
Per Serving

1200 mg

100 mg

0 mg

0 mg

0 mg

Polyphenol Blend






Includes Special






Endorsed by
Anti-Aging Pioneer
Dr. Al Sears






See For Yourself How Mobilify Outperforms
Everything You Have Tried Before

I'm convinced Mobilify offers the best path to natural support and lasting joint health and performance. That's why I stand behind it 100%.

Its ability to support joints in 12 measurable ways lifts it above the rest…

…and so many satisfied users provide living proof!

But the decision is up to you. As I see it, it really comes down to two options.

1. You can continue doing what you're doing.

I've done my best to share the exciting news about these joint-health advances with you…

…and how these chondroprotective polyphenols and enzymes are ushering in a new era of safe, natural, and effective joint support.

But if you're still not convinced enough to give Mobilify a try, I understand. It's your decision to make. Please remember the name, though, because it could be a godsend for you someday.

However, I recommend the second option if you want that "youthful spring" back in your step now and not later:

2. You can try Mobilify for yourself without risking a cent.

Just take three capsules daily as noted in the directions.

With each daily serving, you get full-strength levels of these safe and natural chondroprotective polyphenols and enzymes.

You could feel results in a week. And by the time you finish your first 90-count bottle, you'll have no doubt whatsoever about Mobilify's beneficial effects.

You'll know what the other customers are cheering about—and you'll agree!  

Best of all, my money-back satisfaction guarantee makes it easy for you to try Mobilify without worry. I take all the risk myself.

My 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied with your results or I'll send your money back promptly.

I'm convinced you'll be thrilled by the time you finish that first bottle. Any doubts you have about Mobilify will melt away.

So Are You Ready For Your "Wow!" Moment?

Whether it happens on the pickleball court… on a long walk in a local park… or roaming the fabled French Quarter of New Orleans or the museums of Paris…

…the day will come when it hits you:

√ You're walking better—even at the end of the day or an evening out…

√ It's not a struggle to get up stairs, get in your car, or get out of bed…

√ You're starting every day in a great mood—getting dressed is easy!

You'll feel great because you can focus on what really matters in your life today, instead of worrying about what lies ahead. You're free to live life the way you want to!   

Order Your Mobilify Now and Save Up to 30%!

Your "Best Deal" gives you the greatest savings, the lowest price per bottle, two FREE Gifts and FREE Shipping for Auto Delivery.

It includes 3 bottles (a 3-month supply) of Mobilify at 30% savings off the regular per-bottle price.

You'll also become a member of our exclusive VIP Auto Delivery Program. We'll automatically ship you a fresh 3-bottle supply of Mobilify every three months so you never run out.

Plus you get FREE shipping on every shipment, along with our 100% Money Back Guarantee. That's an annual savings of over $287!

And to make this next chapter in your life even better, you get two FREE e-Reports packed with my best "ageless living" discoveries and tips.

FREE e-Report #1: The Youth Factor Protocol


It's one of my most popular reports because it shows you how to maintain the power and strength of youth far longer than anyone imagined possible.

I show you the incredible science behind telomeres—the "caps" at the end of each DNA strand—and how they determine how fast or slow your cells, tissues, and organs will age.

They work like a "cellular control switch." And if that sounds like a "Fountain of Youth" for your cells…it's because it is!

I explain how the activation of an enzyme called telomerase inside your body fortifies and even rebuilds telomeres—and prevents them from wearing down.

And best of all—I reveal 13 powerful nutrients that activate telomerase and how to use them effectively to develop your own "youth factor protocol" at any age.

The price of The Youth Factor Protocol is normally $39.95 if bought alone, but it's yours absolutely FREE when you choose the "Best Deal."

And your second free e-Report is another perfect companion for Mobilify:

Bonus e-Report #2: 45 Days to a Younger You

100% Guarantee

I believe in staying young in mind and body and so should you.

This popular guide is all about growing "younger"—and you'll be surprised by how easily it can be done. In this 45-day plan, you'll find:

  • The #1 vitamin to protect your DNA from dangerous breakdown

  • The hidden blood factor more risky than cholesterol and how to neutralize it

  • The most scientifically validated life-extending solution ever—and how to make it part of your life. It's simple! 

And there's so much more covered in 45 Days to a Younger You.

This e-Report is also priced at $39.95 and it's also yours absolutely free with your "Best Deal" order.

So don't wait another minute—

Say Goodbye to Creaky Joints and Turn Back the Clock!

Like Eileen B. in New York who says, "My husband and I feel great at age 73! Thank you, Dr. Sears!"

And Dan in Thailand who writes, "I never thought I could feel this good again!"

And Shirley S. in Oklahoma reports, "I am stronger, more alert, and exercising every day. Thank you!"

And now it's your turn.

Put your socks on with ease like my friend Bob and don't stop there:

Slip on Those Golf Shoes… Hiking Boots… Dancing Shoes… Running Shoes — and Live Life to the Fullest

Be the next person to discover this incredible formula for healthy joints…and take action now for lifelong comfort, flexibility, and mobility.

If it doesn't feel like a "miracle"… if you don't agree that it helps you in the 12 ways I described above…

…you can return your order any time within 90 days and we'll refund your purchase price right away. No hassle whatsoever.  

But I'm convinced that you'll feel great… and that your activity levels will soar… and that even your moods will improve once Mobilify goes to work.

Order Mobilify Now and Save Up to 30%!

Discover how easy it is to stay comfortable and flexible… and forever enjoy life in motion and on the go.

Just choose the option that best fits your needs.

Then download your two Bonus e-Reports worth $79.90 and you're on your way.

There's no risk. Not with my 90-day money-back guarantee.

Even if you use an entire bottle and send it back…I'll still process your full refund, no questions asked.

You have nothing to lose by trying Mobilify. And once you try it, you won't settle for anything else.

Order today. You'll be glad you did!

Become a Mobilify VIP!

Huge VIP Savings, 2 Free Reports,
Plus FREE Shipping for LIFE!

Save 30% by joining the Mobilify 3-month VIP Auto Delivery Program, which includes a locked-in discount and FREE Shipping for Life.

You'll get 3 bottles of Mobilify shipped right to your door every 3 months. You pay just $104.85 (just $34.95 per bottle) plus get FREE shipping and handling and the two bonus reports. By joining, you also ensure that you'll also get a 30% savings from the regular price and receive FREE shipping and handling for as long as you take Mobilify.

You'll never have to worry about reordering and you can cancel anytime. For your convenience, your credit card will be automatically charged with each shipment. You can cancel at least one day before your next shipment to avoid being billed for the next shipment by calling 1-866-895-8555.

If you're not satisfied, you can get a prompt refund. That way, you risk nothing!


Save 20%. You'll receive 3 bottles (a 3-month supply) of Mobilify without the convenience of Auto Delivery for $119.85 plus $10.95 shipping and handling. Your credit card will be charged a one-time payment of $130.80. That's a total savings of $45.90.

Order the Great Deal Today


Trial Offer:

You'll receive 1 bottle of Mobilify for only $49.95 plus $8.95 shipping and handling for a total of $58.90.

Order the Trial Offer

Personal guarantee


1.Sirše M. "Effect of Dietary Polyphenols on Osteoarthritis—Molecular Mechanisms." Life, vol. 12, no. 3, 16 Mar. 2022, p. 436.
2. Yu G et al. "Effectiveness of Boswellia and Boswellia Extract for Osteoarthritis Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, vol. 20, no. 1, 17 July 2020, 10.1186/s12906-020-02985-6.
3. Shen Y et al. "Boswellic Acid Induces Epigenetic Alterations by Modulating DNA Methylation in Colorectal Cancer Cells." Cancer Biology & Therapy, vol. 13, no. 7, May 2012, pp. 542–552 4.Sengupta K et al. "A Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of 5-Loxin® for Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee." Arthritis Research & Therapy, vol. 10, no. 4, 2008, p. R85
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