Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Poll: Biden Says World Leaders Are Scared Of Another Trump Presidency, Is He Lying?

Vote Now ✔️ - Speaker Johnson Faces Major Dilemma Over AG Garland

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Biden Says World Leaders Are Scared Of Another Trump Presidency, Is He Lying?

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House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing a crucial decision on whether to schedule a vote to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for not releasing audiotapes of President Joe Biden. This situation tests Johnson's narrow Republican majority, as they cannot afford more than a couple of defections. The issue has been heightened by the recent guilty verdict against former President Trump, increasing public pressure for action. 


Key figures like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene have warned that failure to hold the vote could damage Johnson's standing with the Republican base. The GOP anticipates strengthening its majority with the addition of Representative Vince Fong, which might influence the decision. Meanwhile, the White House has claimed executive privilege over the tapes, which Republicans argue could reveal concerns about Biden's mental competency.

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